Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rain, rain, go away....

Well, spring has come around again, the semester's ended, time to blog again.  Well, usually I make my peace with New England's cold, wet springtimes.   Back in March, when "spring" "starts"  I remind myself that the last expected frost in Boston is at least mid-May.   And all April, when its freezing at night, I don't get bummed out. There are plenty of plants the prefer the cold weather and need an early start - especially since the window between "icy snow" and "boiling summer" is so short around here.   This spring it's been awesome to get out on the nice days and actually put something in the ground: little baby kales, cabbage, broccoli, spinach and lettuce transplants, pea seeds, onion bulbs, and carrot, radish and beet seeds.   Unfortunately, even though all these plants do ok in the cold, and could probably even stand a frost - damn, its been cold.   And cloudy.   So nothing's died, yeah, but nothing's really grown, either.   The peas came up and are a couple inches tall, and a few beet and carrot seedlings are starting to poke their heads up, but its off to a slow start.   Feeling hopeful, we got a couple of tomato, basil and pepper seedlings at Home Cheapo a couple of weeks ago (plus my one requisite eggplant) - but so far, we are keeping them inside, on a sunny windowsill, waiting for it to get a little bit warmer.    Sigh.  I'm ready for summer.

I've also done a little re-organization since last year, trying to maximize sunlight....we'll see how it goes.  Pictures to follow!