I spent this Sunday afternoon as I've done for the past couple of weeks: in the garden. There's lots of other stuff I should be doing on Sundays - writing, grocery shopping, paying bills or getting my car fixed. Looking for work in the fall. But there's something truly seductive for me about the backyard on a quiet weekend afternoon. It's at the point right now where the garden needs a few hours of work a week, and then it will be more or less happy. But its just a wonderful thing to do, on a day to myself, to give attention back to the plants that will feed me. Last week I fertilized the nightshades, peppers, and vines, and planted about nine more feet of carrots to come up this fall. Even out in the hot sun, I love puttering out there: stringing up cucumbers that are trying to grow upside-down, pulling crabgrass out of the beds, checking the tomatoes to find out that we have FIVE new super-ripe Roma tomatoes. Deciding to cook them up into sauce, and invite a friend over for potato salad. Pulling up a few big, bulbed out onions, tiny beets, yanking out a few purple carrots that after 2 1/2 months are finally big enough to eat. Emptying out a couple potato buckets to find out how they did, pinching suckers off the tomato vines, harvesting basil or sorrell, or transplanting teensy, tiny little lettuce plants from the shady part of the yard. After a week full of work and driving around, errands and deadlines, it's nice to slow down for a few hours, exist in greenspace, and tend to something - All this week, I'll know that my garden will grow healthier, and more food will be ready because of the work I put into it.
Upstairs, I cooked the onions under low heat, skinned and seeded the tomatoes, and stewed them together for a little bit of sauce, along with salt, pepper and some basil. Ate it for lunch over raviolis - without any extra sugar, the tomato sauce was a little acidic, but full of flavor. Potato salad tonight was a little bit more complicated, but the basic idea is fresh, boiled potatoes, oil, vinegar, a little bit of mayo, and anything fresh from your garden you want to add....
Walking Away!
13 years ago